The world’s premier synthpop blog Pansentient League ( puts Hunger amongst the “Top 20 synthpop albums of 2013“. Thanks! We are proud and happy 😀 The rest of the magnificent listContinue readingTop 20 synthpop albums 2013 includes Hunger
Category: Buy music
Purgatorio 07-13 – New collection album (limited edition CD)
The legendary Utah based label A Different Drum have released a unique special edition Social Ambitions CD within the VIP subscription program. Thirteen tracks previously released between 2007-2013 collected inContinue readingPurgatorio 07-13 – New collection album (limited edition CD)
HUNGER – the album
We are proud to announce the release of our second full length album HUNGER. Released June 10th 2013 by Electric Fantastic Sound as digital download & limited edition CD. Continue readingHUNGER – the album
Angel (extended version) out now on electropop 8
Buy the CD Electropop.8 released by conzoom records. 01. Arome Artificiel “Waiting (People Theatre`s Extended Patience Mix)” 02. Comfortable Cave Goodbye – Travel In Time (Parralox Remix) 03. Dekad “SoContinue readingAngel (extended version) out now on electropop 8
New mini-album ANTICIPATION is out
We are proud to announce that ANTICIPATION is now available in online stores and streaming services. Released on Electric Fantastic Sound Feb 27, 2012. Get it now! iTunes – Klicktrack – Spotify –Continue readingNew mini-album ANTICIPATION is out
Get the music – streaming and dowloads
All releases from Social Ambitions are available as digital downloads. In fact, we have not released any songs on physical media, yet. Well, actually… There are some exceptions of rareContinue readingGet the music – streaming and dowloads